Hello Team, Coach Bobby here with information about the upcoming 4H archery competition and new information available to us.
4H Registration for indoor and outdoor competitions closes at the end of December. This means I need a head count of participants asap. The information needed is:
Archer's FULL name
Mailing Address including county
birthdate including the year.
This information is going to be passed over to the Twiggs County Extension Agent. He will then give me a link to pass to you in order to register for 4H. If there is an active archery team in your county, we will need to get approved to let your archer shoot on the Twiggs County team.
The below link is to the Georgia DNR Hunters Safety Course that must be completed in order to compete as a 4H archer. If your archer is interested in competing in the January 19-20, 2024 Indoor, this will need to be completed before Dec 12th.
As I get more information, I will make sure to send it out. Of course, if you have any questions concerning this information, send it to us and we will do our best to get answers.
Please no let me forget to talk to you about it tomorrow :)